By-Elections AY21/22 Sem 2
As per Article VII, Section 5 of the Student Government Constitution, by-elections are to be held at the start of semester 2 for any vacant positions or positions that were appointed in the Executive and Senate. On 19 Jan 2022, the AY21/22 By-Election Committee was convened. The committee members are: Htet Myet Min Tun, Chitvan Bansal, James Ham Wee Jian, Steven Justin Sy, and Wang Hao Ping.
What is the By-Election Committee?
The By-Election Committee is an independent body separate from Student Government that is in charge of holding the by-election process as outlined by Article VII, Section 2. They typically comprise of four impartial arbiters from the student body (chosen from a pool of applicants) and two outgoing Government members acting as committee conveners. By-Election Committee members are barred from running for elections and have the ultimate authority on all election matters.
Jan 24 (Mon) – Jan 26 (Wed): Nominations for By-Elections open
Jan 27 (Thurs): Deadline to accept nomination
Jan 28 (Fri) – Feb 2 (Wed): Campaign period
Feb 3 (Thurs) – Feb 5 (Sat): Voting period
Available Positions
Vice-President of Internal Administration
The Vice President of Internal Administration (VPIA) manages budget allocation for StuGov, financial processes, logistics, and resources (e.g. online file storage). They ensure that StuGov runs smoothly and is connected internally and with the College administration, by maintaining and developing systems and processes. They are also in charge of preserving institutional knowledge within StuGov.
Past VP’s have planned and organised the annual Summer Storage and the distribution of vouchers for students on Winter Housing (AY20/21). They have also worked on the stipend referendum, restructuring of StuGov, a standard procedure for handling crises, and investigating financial accessibility on campus.
This position is up for election because the previous VP from the AY20/21 election has stepped down, and an Acting Director was appointed in AY20/21 Sem 1.
Past VP’s: Engie Wong (’23), Chan Shawn Kit (‘23), Hazeem Nasser (‘22), Jolene Lum (‘19)
Secretary of Internal Affairs
The Secretaries (Internal and External Affairs) work together closely to ensure effective and transparent communications both internally (student-facing) and externally (external stakeholders). They share the responsibility for minute taking for meetings and serve as admins for key Facebook groups (e.g. Yale-NUS College Community).
The Secretary (Internal Affairs) takes the lead on StuGov communications by publicising StuGov advocacy efforts. They also manage the Telegram Channel (Kingfisher Chirps), StuGov website, email account, and Halcyon Hub page, and are responsible for publishing minutes/documents, as well as the email newsletter.
Past secretaries have revamped the StuGov newsletter, streamlined access to StuGov resources, and worked on the restructuring of StuGov.
This position is up for election because the previous Secretary (Internal Affairs) from the AY20/21 election has stepped down, and an Acting Secretary (Internal Affairs) was appointed in AY20/21 Sem 1.
Past Secretaries: Chloe Ang (’24), Bernard Boey (‘22), Tan Hong Kai (‘22), Nicole Quah (‘21), Rachel Juay (‘20)
Director of Student Organisations
The Director of Student Organisations (StuOrgs) leads the Student Organisation Standing Committee, whose primary responsibility is to formally recognise StuOrgs, administer budget requests, process StuOrg renewals, and approve travel funding applications. The Director of StuOrgs also works closely with the Dean of Students’ Office to organise the yearly StuOrg Leadership Retreat, and semesterly Student Activities Fair.
Past Directors have served as the touchpoint with StuOrg leaders to support them in their activities. They also organised Tea Party sessions to advise prospective StuOrg leaders, worked with the Director of Wellness to organise a lucky draw for StuOrgs who choose to eat healthy, and helped to promote the usage of the Student Calendar for campus events.
The Director of StuOrgs will not be allowed to concurrently be a StuOrgs Student Associate or Summer Intern under the Dean of Students’ Office.*
Candidates can run individually or with someone else (as co-candidates). Co-candidates will appear on the ballot together (i.e. cannot vote for only one of them), and if elected, will both serve as Co-Directors. Candidates running individually will serve alone if elected.
This position is up for election because it was not filled from the previous AY21/22 election, and an Acting Director was appointed in AY21/22 Sem 1.
Past Directors: Engie Wong (‘23) & Odele Tan (‘23), Chan Shawn Kit (‘23) & Daniel Soh (‘23), Low Yi Ern (‘21), Nicole Nazareth (‘22)
Director of Residential Life
The Director of Residential Life advocates for the adoption of policies relating to Housing, Dining and Residential Colleges that align with student interests. They are the primary representative that keeps in contact with the Residential Housing staff and Dining Experience Team (DXT) from the Dean of Students’ Office, Residential College Offices, and Infrastructure, Safety & Security (Infra).
Past Directors have worked on a suite matching spreadsheet to facilitate the finding of suitemates for Room Draw, advocated for changes to the dining hall operating hours in light of COVID-19 restrictions (AY20/21). Other position holders have also worked on the issues of housing deficits and dissatisfaction with dining hall food, and engaged with Infra to resolve accidental room entries.
The Director of Residential Life will not be allowed to concurrently be a Residential Housing/DXT Student Associate under the Dean of Students’ Office.*
Candidates can run individually or with someone else (as co-candidates). Co-candidates will appear on the ballot together (i.e. cannot vote for only one of them), and if elected, will both serve as Co-Directors. Candidates running individually will serve alone if elected.
This position is up for election because the previous Director from the AY20/21 election has stepped down, and it is currently vacant.
Past Directors: Lee Yun Ning (’23), Ayyappan Madhumitha (Madhu) (‘23) & Liao Yen-Wen (Ivy) (‘23), Yuki Nakamura (‘20), Eda Semsioglu (‘20)
Director of Academics
The Director of Academics advocates for the adoption of academic policies that promote academic wellness and align with student interests. They usually serve as a representative on the Teaching Learning and Advising (TLA) Committee and Teaching Award Committee. They also help to ensure easy access to and clear communication of academic resources and policies.
Past Directors have been heavily involved in the Latin Honours review (AY19/20), Capstone review, and Common Curriculum review (AY20/21). They have also advocated for the removal of peer tutoring hour limits, extension of capstone and availability of S/U petitions during COVID-19 (AY20/21), relaxation of no-screen policies, and addition of classes to alleviate module oversubscriptions.
The Director of Academics will not be allowed to concurrently be a Student Associate under a Head of Studies, the Dean of Faculty, and/or the Executive Vice President (Academic Affairs).*
Candidates can run individually or with someone else (as co-candidates). Co-candidates will appear on the ballot together (i.e. cannot vote for only one of them), and if elected, will both serve as Co-Directors. Candidates running individually will serve alone if elected.
This position is up for election because the previous Director from the AY20/21 election has stepped down, and an Acting Director was appointed in AY21/22 Sem 1.
Past Directors: Momo Mbarek (’24), Alexander Reaves (‘21), Benjamin Yang (‘22), Faris Joraimi (‘21)
Director of Athletics
The Director of Athletics leads the Athletics Standing Committee to take on the immense role of project director for the annual Inter-Faculty Games in Semester 1 as well as Inter-College Games in Semester 2. They liaise with the residential colleges and faculties from NUS, and coordinate the logistics and manpower for the sports events delegated to Yale-NUS.
Past Directors have served as the touchpoint for athletic groups to support them in their activities, as well as worked closely with the Athletics office on issues relating to athletics spaces and equipment on campus.
The Director of Athletics will not be allowed to concurrently be an Athletics Student Associate under the Dean of Students’ Office.*
Candidates can run individually or with someone else (as co-candidates). Co-candidates will appear on the ballot together (i.e. cannot vote for only one of them), and if elected, will both serve as Co-Directors. Candidates running individually will serve alone if elected.
This position is up for election because the previous Directors from the AY20/21 election have stepped down, and it is currently vacant.
Past Directors: Kelly Chua (’24), Dominic Chan (’22), Sophia Elalamy (’22), Michelle Lee (’22)
Class Representatives
Class Representatives serve as the primary liaison between their class and StuGov and also organise class-wide events. They are able to raise issues affecting their class, advocate for student interests as and when they arise, and advocate for policy changes, by coordinating with the relevant StuGov Directors and other members.
Past Class Reps have organised numerous welfare events, and were pivotal in advocating for student concerns on pertinent issues (eg. dining, Week 7, academic accommodations during COVID-19).
Candidates can run individually or with someone else (as co-candidates). Co-candidates will appear on the ballot together (i.e. cannot vote for only one of them), and if elected, will both serve as Co-Representatives. Candidates running individually will serve alone if elected.
Class of 2024 Representative
This position is up for election because the previous Reps from the AY20/21 election have stepped down, and Acting Representatives were subsequently appointed.
Past Representatives: Joleen Teo (’24), Dylan Loke (’24), Choi Gyuyong (’24)
Class of 2025 Representative
This position is up for election because it was not filled from the previous AY21/22 election, and Acting Representatives were subsequently appointed.
** The ExCo consists of the President, Vice Presidents and Secretaries.